Meet the Head Vampires


East Brighton Vampires Junior Football Club (EBVJFC) committee is a group of committed volunteers.  There are always more opportunities to pitch in and help.

Current Committee vacancies include:

Merchandise Manager
Social Activities Manager

Send us an email if you would like to become involved.

Each team will also need volunteers and any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Please speak to your respective Team Manager to find out how you can be of assistance.

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Jayne Parfitt

Co Football Operations Manager

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Michelle Gibson


— The Vampires Team

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Jarrod Hall


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Michael Beresford

Vice President

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Michelle Gibson


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Paul Sherman


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Karen Bennett

General Manager

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Mark Stevens

Junior Vice President

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Jayne Parfitt

Co Football Operations Manager

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Neil Schlittler

Incident Officer

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Wendy Briscoe


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Karen Kimber

Football Operations Manager

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Jenny Witham

Child Safety Officer

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David Lee

Sponsorship Manager

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Karen Bennett

Merchandise Manager

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Suzy Bell

Compliance Manager

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Karen Bennett

Player Welfare Manager

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Chris Miles

General Committee

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Scott Paddington

Team Manager Co-Ordinator

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Kate Korber

Communications Manager